Over the years Ian has written or co-written four full musicals and a number of short musicals - here is a brief outline of the main ones.

Olympus - The Musical - co written with Chris Chambers and staged in 2012 at the Ashcroft Theatre, Fairfield Halls, Croydon and at the MInack Theatre in Cornwall.

The CD of the musical is available from Irma Music

For more information about the musical please visit Olympus the Musical

The Amazing Adventures of Alice - co written with John Harries-Rees was staged a number of years ago at the Ashcroft Theatre, Fairfield Halls

The CD of the musical is available from Irma Music

To hear some of the tracks from the musical please visit  IrmaMusic.co.uk

I Hate Musicals- The Musical - was staged in 2012 in Warlingham, South London

The CD of the musical is available from Irma Music

To hear some of the tracks from the musical please visit  IrmaMusic.co.uk

For more information about the musical please visit IHateMusicals

Other musicals include The Spotted Boy which has been performed in the Concert Hall, Fairfield Halls and The Big Deal, co-written with the late Steve Humfress which as yet has not been performed

Examples of the music of both shows can be listened to at IrmaMusic.co.uk

  Irma Music - Telephone 020 8660 6910   -   Mobile 07956 652444   -   Address 169 Valley Road Kenley Surrey CR8 5BZ

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